Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Movie Review: The Fault in Our Stars NO SPOILERS!

Okay so I guess I'm sorta doing this from three different views. As a movie go-er, someone who has read the book before seeing the movie, and of course, as a spoonie (chronically ill person) And as promised, no spoilers.

If you don't know what the movie is about, it's about 2 people who meet in a cancer support group. Hazel, who is a girl is a very blunt and to the point person and Augustus is a boy who has a natural way of lighting up a room. The movie is about their relationship with both each other and their health. 

As a Movie Go-er
So... I told my parents I REALLY wanted to see this movie and right until we sat down in the theater, they had no idea what they we're sitting down to watch. Just noticing this as we sat down I quickly googled the movie and let them read the overview. They gave me a quick nod but that was it. As soon as we exited the theater my parents commented and said it was a great movie. 

The movie seemed to go at a good pace, not too slow but not too fast, being able to keep up with what's going on. You're laughing and/or possibly crying in good amounts of time. Long enough to feel but not too long to influence your overall mood and also able to catch your breath and dry your tears. The story line gives you pretty much anything you would want to see in a movie besides some live action battles, that is, with weapons such as swords and guns.

Acting wise, they did a great job! Shailene Woodley and Ansel Egort had amazing chemistry. They pulled of the whole "made for each other" couple look flawlessly! And everyone in the movie pulled off their role pretty well. Although, I would have liked more emphasis on Hazel's dad.

This is the kind of movie that kinda gets you to reflect on your life and be thankful for even the littlest of things. Somethings might not make sense to those who don't have any health issues but the movie is pretty accurate on the life of living day to day. As a movie go-er I would rate this movie pretty high. 4 out of 5 stars (but that's probably because of the book reader in me)
Yes, I know just solely critiquing a movie I suck at it lol But I highly recommend reading the book first, it explains all the little details and enhances the movie to a degree. (Read more in my book reader review)

As a Spoonie/someone who is chronically ill/caregiver
Ok so I'm going to try and make this short but that's probably not going to happen... but I will TRY lol
As a spoonie this hits home and it hits hard. Both as a spoonie and those taking care of them (mainly parents) My health condition isn't life threatening just life changing, but I knew EXACTLY how the cancer kids felt. Some of the things that outsiders would think were dramatize is actually not and the spoonies will know this. There are a couple of scenes that will only make a spoonie and those involved in their life cry because of emotional connection. 

And believe it or not my fellow spoonies, we can learn something from the movie. Something I learnt is that, even though we may want to push people away so they don't have to share our pain or feel hopeless, the people who push through those walls aren't going to give up. In fact us pushing them away makes them that much more determined to stay in it. Now this part is a little over exaggerated but that's because it's a movie.
I know this is very vague but I promised no spoilers! (stay tuned for my review of the book though!)

Although it's not shown as much, from a caregiver point of view it's pretty accurate. I actually feel they tamed it quiet a bit in some areas. But you see the emotionally pain that happens, the want to make everyday a even better day and even trying to keep the focus on just your spoonie by avoiding telling them about something going on.

As the "Book Reader"
As we all know, no movie is going to be 100% in book accuracy nor is it going to be better than the book. So some of the little details that help fold everything together is going to be left out. Such as, "Where the heck did her playground go?" Yes, you're gonna say "that's not how it happened" or "that didn't happened over there it happened here", and yes, even, "THAT'S NOT HOW IT HAPPENS AT ALL!!!" in some scene, but that's what happens when you turn a movie into a book. The director and writers have creative control of the whole movie.  Some parts I wish got narrated more so that the audience who *gasp!* didn't read the book can understand better.

Which is where my friend, the book reader has the upperhand, we know exactly is going on in the movie. And surprisingly knowing (or at least thinking) that we know what's going to happen begining, middle, and end, that doesn't hold us back for the parts that make you emotional. If anything, it gives you a little heads up.Honestly, my only complaint as a reader is that they got the ending wrong. In a nutshell the two stories link up, but when analyzed, the locations, how information is found out, etc. changed. There are scenes that happened in the book that should have happened in the movie. But because of some of the locations and information changes it didn't, Regardless, I feel, the director did a pretty good job of accuracy, despite kinda ruining the ending.

So have any of yall seen the movie?! Tell me what yall think! If you're posting a spoiler PLEASE give a heads-up! We don't want someone who hasn't seen or read the book get their bubble popped!

Love, spoons, and healing thoughts,

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